Rose Minutaglio poses for a photo in front of a 人 杂志 display
Rose Minutaglio ’15 talks about the importance of radical empathy in her storytelling and how one 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 professor propelled her into a successful career in journalism

Journalism is in the DNA of Rose Minutaglio ’15, senior editor of Features & 特别项目 世界时装之苑 杂志.

出生在达拉斯,在奥斯汀长大, 她打电话给她父亲, 比尔, 她心目中的英雄和她成为作家的灵感. 他的职业生涯开始于 阿比林Reporter-新闻他曾在德克萨斯州最大的三家报纸(达拉斯晨报, 休斯敦纪事报, S安东尼奥快报),为全国性杂志撰稿,并撰写了几本书.

当她来到赌博平台网站大全时, Minutaglio was originally on a pre-law track and was envisioning a career in international law before she started taking 沟通 类.

“因为我爸爸是个作家, 这件事一直萦绕在我的脑海里, but what really changed everything for me is I took Sammye Johnson’s 杂志 写作 class. 她是我的导师,也是我生命中的另一个英雄. 我今天的成就和我所取得的一切都归功于她. 她是我遇到过的最好的老师, 是我见过的最聪明的人之一, the one who helped me realize my own potential and really believe in myself,Minutaglio说.

Minutaglio enrolled in Johnson’s senior 沟通 capstone course and created an original Texas 杂志 for millennials as her final project, 所有的故事都是她自己写的,整个版面也是她自己设计的.

“工作量很大,但我很自豪. I probably annoyed Sammye Johnson with how often I would go to her office hours,” Minutaglio laughs. “但我不能离开! 她有那么多不可思议的故事和经历, 所以我想吸收这一切,尽可能多地从她身上学到东西.”

Rose Minutaglio '15 displays her 沟通 capstone project and her gift from 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 professor emerita of 沟通 Sammye Johnson.

赌博娱乐平台网址大全读书的时候, Minutaglio参加了赌博娱乐平台网址大全的领导学院, 是Gamma Chi Delta的成员吗, 共同创立了Phi Sigma Pi的Zeta Tau分会, 参加“所有可以参加的校内运动”,获得Kemper Diehl/James McCrory捐赠奖学金, 是《赌博娱乐平台网址大全》杂志的记者 Trinitonian.

“我仍然记得我写的那篇文章 詹姆斯·墨登. It was one of my first feature-style human interest articles where I got to spend time with him and get to know him. 我真的很喜欢这种写作和报道, so I think that story in particular helped me realize I always wanted to have a human interest angle to my 写作 when I could,Minutaglio说.

在她大三的春季学期, Minutaglio曾在罗马留学, 她在城里一家国际杂志工作的地方, 和教皇弗朗西斯自拍了一张, 并在春假期间去了克罗地亚和摩洛哥.

“One of the reasons I picked 赌博娱乐平台网址大全 was because they had a really good study abroad program. 我刚到罗马时不会说意大利语, so I gained a lot of self-confidence by just going up to random people and trying to talk with them,Minutaglio说. “That experience taught me you don’t have to be scared or intimidated to talk to people, 这对记者来说很有价值.”

Minutaglio snaps a selfie with Pope Francis passing by and makes a wish in Trevi Fountain while studying abroad in Rome.

Minutaglio was accepted into the American Society of Magazine Editors’ National Magazine Internship Program after returning from studying abroad and spent the summer before her senior year working as a reporter for 《赌博平台网站大全》 在纽约. 当秋季学期开始时, 她加入了赌博娱乐平台网址大全的校园出版委员会, 开始在圣安东尼奥马刺队的公关部门工作, 并在圣安东尼奥图书节任职. 她上个寒假没有过得轻松, Minutaglio回到纽约,在 十七岁 杂志.

赌博娱乐平台网址大全毕业后,Minutaglio在 杂志, where she did a little bit of everything from celebrity interviews on the red carpet to crime 写作, 但她总是被人情味的内容所吸引. 有一次她被聘为编辑助理, she began to write more human interest pieces for the website and print 杂志 and was soon promoted to staff writer.

“That was an amazing job because I was sort of the boots on the ground person, 所以每当有重大新闻事件发生时, 他们会派我去掩护,Minutaglio解释道.

派Minutaglio去奥兰多报道Pulse夜总会枪击案. 她还写了关于佛罗里达州寨卡病毒爆发的文章. 音乐艺术家普林斯去世时, 让米努塔格里奥飞到明尼苏达州的佩斯利公园去了解更多情况.

“Using the skills I picked up in Rome about not being afraid to approach people, 我只是随便跟人聊普林斯的事. One of the people I talked with knew Prince’s longtime bodyguard and got me in touch with him; I ended up going to his house and having a long interview with him,Minutaglio说.

音乐艺术家大卫·鲍伊去世时, Minutaglio experienced more “magical journalism” when she interviewed the employees at a SoHo bookstore and learned about how he would take his children there and read stories to them. 那则轶事成了 的讣告.

Minutaglio说:“我知道没有什么比轶事更好的了. “It’s the whole principle of show, don’t tell, that comes from good reporting.”

她在这里待了两年多 , Hearst poached Minutaglio and brought her in as the features editor of its digital newsroom, 她在那里为17个不同的网站撰写和编辑内容,包括 好管家, 世界性的, 《赌博平台网站大全》, 《赌博平台网站大全》, 小镇 & 国家, 甚至去了平昌, 韩国, 报道2018年冬奥会, 尽管充满挑战,但她仍然深情地回顾这一任务.

“It was cool because I flew to 韩国 by myself and figured out all of the logistical stuff. 最重要的是, I’m trying to reach athletes who are basically unreachable during the Olympics to write feature stories and do original reporting, the publicists generally don’t want you reaching out to their athletes. 你真的需要挖掘和寻找那些故事线索. 这是很多工作,但也很有趣,”Minutaglio说.

minuutaglio出现在 早安美国 谈谈她关于伊丽莎白·钱伯斯的故事.

2019年,Minutaglio加入 世界时装之苑 as a staff writer and climbed the ranks to her new position in January 2024. 她最近发表了一篇关于 世界时装之苑关于贾斯汀·琳赛的内部制片人劳拉·哈克, 她是NFL啦啦队中第一位公开变性的女性.

“我真的为这个故事感到骄傲. 贾斯汀·林赛很喜欢, I got so much feedback from readers and people in the trans community who were really thrilled with the piece. It’s a lot of pressure when someone like Justine trusts you with telling their story to the world, but it’s so rewarding when your subject lets you know you told it accurately and authentically. Minutaglio说:“作为一名记者,我不能再要求更多了.

Minutaglio’s career has seen her sit down to interview several powerful, 有影响力的学科, 比如副总统卡玛拉·哈里斯, 教育部长米格尔·卡多纳说, 比尔盖茨, 小威廉姆斯, 迈克尔·菲尔普斯, 汤姆布雷迪, 还有格蕾塔·桑伯格. 通过见到他们的兴奋, Minutaglio stays calm and keeps the story front and center in her mind.

“我不会紧张或害怕. 这更像是肾上腺素的刺激. It’s exciting to meet these powerful people and have the privilege of talking to them, 但作为一名记者, sometimes I’m going to ask tough questions that they might not necessarily like,Minutaglio说.


她有讲故事的经验, 尤其是那些处理棘手问题的书, Minutaglio highlights an element that is essential to how she approaches her work.

Minutaglio说:“最重要的是要有同情心. “不管你在报道什么, 写作, 或编辑, you have to remember it’s about a real person with real feelings and real experiences, 你必须尊重这一点.”

米努塔格里奥最珍贵的财产之一是一本叫做 美国杂志 约翰逊给她的. 里面是约翰逊的题词,上面写着, “For Rose—whose name I expect to see at the top of a 杂志 masthead someday—Sammye.”

It is safe to say that Minutaglio has accomplished that and much more in her young career.

要阅读Minutaglio的作品,请访问 世界时装之苑.com.

Kenneth Caruthers 15 is the assistant director of Digital 沟通s for the University’s Office of 校友 Relations.
